RBZ Shares Bond Note Security Features & We Hope You Understand Them Better Than We Do

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After a little under a week in circulation the public’s reaction to the Bond Notes has been predominantly been hostile. Most of the retailers who do accept the parallel currency accept it at an exchange rate of 30% its prescribed value leaving the public on the wrong end of the coin. Another qualm in regards to the Bond Notes has been the matter of their less than popularised security features.

In the midst of speculative Social Media posts of the self remedying public, the country’s  bank has sent mass text messages highlighting the said features. According to a text the BHIZIMUSI team received on late Saturday afternoon from the RBZ the features are as follows:

Although we’re not quite sure what most of these jargonized characteristics are save for one or two, we do wish everyone the best as they explain to their grand-mothers/fathers what “Optically Variable Ink” means.