3 Master Keys of Sales Strategy

Sales and marketing are perhaps the two high order processes that drive a business. Without these there is no business. I have compiled 3 simple tools of sharpening the arc of sales and marketing in your business.

Key 1
Review and Update Your Ideal Customer Profile & Personas

Look back at your best customers and identify the characteristics that make them profitable and enjoyable to work with. Make sure your ideal customer profile and buyer personas are accurate and update them as necessary to reflect the kinds of customers who will help you reach your growth goals.

Key 2

Document Your Buyer’s Journey

Once your personas are updated, document the journey each persona will take toward becoming a customer. Your contacts take lots of tiny steps along the way to becoming a buyer. Plot out every interaction point your personas will have with your content or your company. This is your buyer’s journey—and each persona has their own.

Start at the end—what will they do immediately before signing a contract with you? What’s the step before that? The one before that? At each point along the way, identify the persona’s main questions, motivations, and potential objections. Then identify the kinds of content you’ll need to create to meet them at each point along the buyer’s journey.

Don’t forget about the influencers in the process. Feed your main contact the content they need to help educate and sell you internally.

Key 3

Confirm Your Differentiators

Make sure you’re clear on what makes you different from your competitors. Talk to some of your customers and find out why they chose to buy from you—and what could make them switch teams and buy from your competitors instead.